
Passion –  this word is liberally sprinkled about  but what do we mean by it?  Well, it comes from a Latin word meaning ‘suffering’.  In the career and business world, when we refer to discovering our passion, we usually mean ‘having a zeal or intense desire to engage in the associated task’.  We are indicating that we would be willing to “suffer for our art or craft”, as famously depicted by many professional artists. I am not endorsing in any way that you need to be a ‘tortured soul’ to succeed, however, I would argue that your drive for your work must be strong for you to succeed. A lack lustre approach simply will not do!  Possessing  a passion for your skill, service, or product means discovering your purpose in life.  It means that you enjoy your work so much that you would be willing to do that work for free!

A lack lustre approach simply will not do!

February is the month where we publicly embrace our passions in their broadest sense.  The focus is on the emotional passions that engage hearts and minds, that are usually directed towards our nearest and dearest.  As memories of celebrations on Valentine Day still linger, I’d like to remind you that your passion for your work is also important! This is what differentiates you and what you do.

When you discover your passion, you discover your purpose!

Your passion defines your uniqueness, it energises you, it stirs up hope, it makes the impossible possible.  It distinguishes you in a crowded market place and dare I say it, it keeps you going! Nothing worthwhile is sustained without passion!  Without passion, your quality of life becomes monotonous and routine.

So, how is your passion demonstrated in your work?

Can others feel your energy when you talk about your product or service? What first impressions do others have of you?  Do people know how much you care about your subject? Are you able to establish a positive rapport with your audience?  These are some of the skills and behaviours that shows your zeal for your work and defines your personal brand.  Other elements that contribute to your brand are derived from your values, strengths, behavioural style and motivators.

Don’t be afraid to show your natural enthusiasm for your work. This helps to connect you to others and enables you to show them the difference you can make. Now is the time to let your light shine!

Until next blog


About Denise Meade-Hill

Denise is a Career Transition Coach supporting individuals through their professional development journey. She is passionate about helping career changers to find roles that fulfil their purpose as they prepare to thrive in their careers. Her Career Planner... take your next steps with confidence is a handy, easy to use resource to get you started on achieving your goals for professional change. Get your copy here.