Revitalising your Career!

Spring is here…!

There’s something magical about Spring that energises thoughts and efforts. The sunshine makes a more definite appearance and the plants and gardens starts to show signs of life.  If you are thinking about kickstarting your career or looking for a change of career, the Universe is on your side at this time of year. So, here are a few tips that may help to keep you focused on achieving that career goal you set at the beginning of the year.

  1. Feed your desire

You have set your goals for a reason! Whether it is to turn a hobby into a business or to get a better balance between work and your social life. You should always have your WHY at the top of the agenda as this is the rudder that will keep you focused when times are tough and will help to banish the inertia when you feel like giving up. Don’t succumb to the slump of procrastination! Stay committed to achieving your goal. Stoke the flames of your desire!

  1. Get your effort right

Does the effort you put in feel forced, or are you ‘in flow’ when carrying out certain types of tasks or using a skill or working in a particular environment? Observe the times when you are enjoying a task or activity that doesn’t feel like hard work and when it feels effortless to do that task. This could be where your strengths are and provides a sense of direction in looking for roles where those strengths or skills are required.

  1. Courage

Once you have broadcast your goal, you will need the courage to resist the negative voices, the resilience to overcome the fear that “perhaps this wasn’t for me after all”, the ability to drown out the disparaging voices that challenges your attempt to step out from the ‘norm’.  Remember, those around you have become accustomed to seeing you in a certain light and your progress may be challenging for them to accept. Be proud of what you have achieved and allow them to see the new you!

  1. Shape your offer

Good presentation goes a long way. Anything nicely packaged is more likely to be well received. Consider your best skill and where it will be the best fit. Does it match with the way in which the recipients can engage with it? Have you connected with your audience? Is your timing right?  If not, what can you do to overcome this?

  1. Dazzle and delight

Let your light shine! Cultivate the attitude of seeking to exceed expectations. Whether as a specialist or a part of a team, we all have a role to play that contributes to the whole picture. Be the best version of yourself!

Until next blog…go make those Transitions!


About Denise Meade-Hill

Denise is a Career Transition Coach supporting individuals through their professional development journey. She is passionate about helping career changers to find roles that fulfil their purpose as they prepare to thrive in their careers. Her Career Planner... take your next steps with confidence is a handy, easy to use resource to get you started on achieving your goals for professional change. Get your copy here.