… be a game changer…

… this resonated so much with me as I read a piece on facing your fears to find your true purpose.

A few years ago, I was a diligent, committed, focused, hard-working employee meeting all the agreed targets and getting great feedback but still feeling that there had to be something more. Now, these are all great qualities and should be honed but I daily pondered what the ‘more’ might look like. My inner voice kept telling me that I had nothing new to offer so why should I bother. The voice also said that there were others who could do my desired role better than me. So… I kept my head down and carried on doing what I had always done… getting stuck in and worked hard.  There’s nothing wrong with working hard and I would even say that it’s an essential quality because that’s where you make some of your deepest discoveries about yourself and your preferences, which is of great value. However,  it also tells you when it’s time for change.

…you already have it!

My ‘dawning moment’ came when I opted to take a pivotal role in delivering a key project. I then realised that I had always had what it took to step up to the stretch assignments, to develop key mutually beneficial relationships, to listen at the intuitive level, to represent others and to speak up when I needed to do so.  I have brought these qualities and other skills into my current role.

If you are at the cross roads of a career or life decision, this is the time to consider the skills and qualities that you have as assets which could be used to help you make that change. What is your value? How are you defining your worth?

Here are my 5 steps to being a game changer:

  • Be determined to make the decisionby that I mean,  don’t be “wishy-washy”, you either want to move into your next experience or you don’t. If this is not the right time or right opportunity for you then be clear about that. However, be mindful that if you keep procrastinating, it may never be the right time and no change will take place.
  • Start visualising the next stepfor example, you could journal your ‘new future’ or complete a vision board, talk it through with a trusted friend, or get help from a Career Coach. Consider whether this is your journey or if you are fitting into an imposed idea of the path you should be on. If you can see yourself in that space you are more likely to give it a go.
  • Put a plan in place – some things to consider … how are you going to get from here to there: What help do you need? Who do you know who may be able to help? How much time do you need? What do you have to offer? Who will you work with or offer your service to? What investment might you need?
  • Step out in confidence – if you have done the preparation,  you need to put it in place! What other areas could you bring to the table to help you maintain that confidence? Let your light shine! Trust yourself and your abilities!
  • Launch – yes, select a ‘go live’ date! If businesses do it so can you. For example: choose a date to make that call to the company you wish to work with, or to contact that person you know who could help with specific information. If you have made progress, publicise your achievements! Whatever that next step might be, take it!

We are all different so your ‘game changer’ will be different from others. Don’t compare yourself with others. Dispel the doubts and go for it!

Until next blog… go make those transitions!

Denise, Career Coach

If you need some more motivation, check out this book:

What I know for Sure by Oprah (yes… Ms Winfrey!)

About Denise Meade-Hill

Denise is a Career Transition Coach supporting individuals through their professional development journey. She is passionate about helping career changers to find roles that fulfil their purpose as they prepare to thrive in their careers. Her Career Planner... take your next steps with confidence is a handy, easy to use resource to get you started on achieving your goals for professional change. Get your copy here. https://careertransitionsdmh.co.uk/career-planner/