Showing 6 Result(s)

… be a game changer…

… this resonated so much with me as I read a piece on facing your fears to find your true purpose. A few years ago, I was a diligent, committed, focused, hard-working employee meeting all …

Embracing Change

“All change, all change, please… ” This was a regular instruction shouted by train platform staff at intermittent periods when the train pulled into a station and, sometimes for what seemed like, no good reason. …

Revitalising your Career!

Spring is here…! There’s something magical about Spring that energises thoughts and efforts. The sunshine makes a more definite appearance and the plants and gardens starts to show signs of life.  If you are thinking …

8 steps to active career planning…

  The greatest asset in developing yourself is… YOU! As we all know, there is no magic formula to development. Just like all other forms of development, career development is influenced by many factors and …